Release history for Bryntum Ext Gantt: 2.0.0 2011-08-08 10:35 [FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS] - Support for Ext JS 4, including support for dynamic class loading - Support for skipping weekends and holidays (defined through a new calendarStore) - A set of columns classes, allowing 0-configurable editing of common task properties, like StartDate/EndDate/Duration - Improved resource assignment with new assignment editor - New demo showcasing task reordering by using drag and drop - Task indent/outdent - Removed dependencies on all 3rd party components/stores. The underlying code base of Ext Gantt is now pure Ext JS supported by Sencha. - Improved baseline support - Basic HTML print support - New dependency editor demo - Possible to set start and end dates by clicking and dragging (similar to how you create events in Ext Scheduler) [API CHANGES] - review in progress [BUG FIXES] - Fixed bug with dependencies not being rendered if a task cut the visible date range - Fixed styling bug for tasks that cut the visible date range - Normalized event names - Fixed bug when resizing progressbar